Just a Tweet Away to More Knowledge

I believe that Twitter is a great way to stay connected to the teaching community. You can keep students and parents informed, keep up to date with your colleagues and have access to educational resource accounts that provide tools to help you grow your teaching career. Having such a fast and accessible way to stay relevant to educational practices will help with my reflective teaching practice, giving me another avenue to change and implement new ideas into the classroom. Using my Twitter platform will allow me the resources for growth in my teaching and inform my students with resources that can aid them. A major pro with twitter is the communication component. By staying relevant, I will have a great space to keep parents and students updated with relevant information for what's happening in the classroom. The more ways to communicate and build relationships with parents and students, the stronger foundation of collaboration & trust in my classroom. My hopes with Twitter is that I can create a positive environment for my students within the classroom and online.  
Here's My Twitter, follow me @MissEvaJones

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  1. Excellent blog post! I agree with you that Twitter is such a great resource for communication within a classroom. It was awesome that all your statements were backed up back specific ideas and I love all your images (cute bitmoji)! What kinds of teaching tools have you found on Twitter?


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