3rd Year Practicum Goals

Goals From 5 Core Competencies 

Identifies and implements specific changes to practice based on reflection and feedback from mentor teacher and faculty supervisor

I want to gather feedback from peers, faculty supervisor and my mentor teacher this semester, creating a solid line of communication where I will gain a better understanding on areas of growth in my teaching practice. Being able then to reflect and act on growing in my weakest areas.
Planning for Learning-
Develops varied activities and assignments that are relevant, clearly aligned with learning goals, require deep thinking and support student engagement, collaboration, and choice

This semester, one goal for me is to work on creating unit and lessons plans that align with curricular outcomes, focusing on integration throughout the curriculum, maximizing the effectiveness of my instruction time.

Facilitating Learning-  
Scaffolds student understanding including knowledge, skills, and strategies

When teaching I want to be able to build off students prior knowledge, working on diversifying my instruction to engage all students in the classroom, having the whole classroom active in their learning.


Develops learner understanding of learning goals and achievement expectations to promote self-monitoring

Inclusive Environment-

Creates a respectful and ethical learning community that encourages learners to take risks, build trust, embrace diversity, increase self-confidence, and show leadership

Previous Educational Technology Experience
    My previous experience with educational technology is limited. I have experience with website and presentation designing software. I do use social network sites and editing software for videos and pictures. I do enjoy learning different types of online technology and programs. I have learned to use a few websites and online tools for lesson plans in my educational career. Software such a wix, imovie, and picktochart. I would like to develop a bigger bank of online resources for a classroom, and that is one of my hopes for this semester.

My Burning Question   
    A burning question I have about educational technology is how to create a variety of online assessment tools?

    I believe that integrating online assessment tools within a classroom will be important in differentiating assessment for the students. It will also be a way to let students have a role in the assessment process, therefore giving them more opportunities to have ownership in their learning. Diversifying assessment with also help expand my tools and techniques that I can collect data from students throughout the learning period, helping me gather more accurate and valid information on students progress.


  1. I like you burning question, I wonder the same thing as well. It would be great if you could elaborate a bit on your past history. Maybe list some specific examples.

  2. Hi Eva! I like how all your ideas were very clear and concise, as I was was able to read your post super easily and connect your goals directly to the practicum evaluation form. One thing I would suggest is maybe adding some extra detail to your goals so that you have a clear path in how you could reach them. Great work :)


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